Sunday, October 5, 2008

Castle Rock, Sept. 15

Here are a couple of shots I took of Castle Rock, near Camp Douglas, WI on September 15th. Last year I tried to photograph this same place, but it rained, and the photos didn't come out very good. This year the sun shone--it almost didn't! Down at the Dells, one half hour south, the clouds were thick, but as we travelled north they began to break. The sun was fully out by the time we got to Castle Rock.
Rocky Pass

Monumental Monolith

Through the Pass

Respite on the Hillside
(My sister agreed to pose for this shot, as I had just got done announcing that the area would be great for model photography.)

Those of you who know me are probably wondering what I am doing in this part of the state, so I will explain. Every September, our distributor/supplier of lawn and garden products has a HUGE 2-day tradeshow down in Wisconsin Dells. All of the customers of this corporation (our nursery included) are invited to the tradeshow in hopes that they will impulse-buy a truckload of products for next year. We always go because it's free! On the way back to Chippewa Falls from this show, we always like to stop at the very photogenic Castle Rock.

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