Friday, November 5, 2010

=>>NEW POST!!! Fall 2010<<=

Wow! It's been a long time since I got around
to posting on here... just too busy doing
absolutely everything else I guess.
That doesn't mean I haven't been
taking photos though :)
I'm including a set of some of my best
photos of Fall, 2010. Enjoy!!

Amnicon Falls, near Superior, WI

Bumble Bee on Sedum 090810

My big September project!!
Completed drainage ditch 091910

Major flooding of the Chippewa River,
September 26th, 2010
(video of Eau Claire River in flood near Fall Creek)

Sunset, Sept. 28, 2010

Tricolor bushes 093010

Mushroom Family on a tree

Burning Bush Sunrays 100210

Burning Bush in full color 100210

Tank! (this was at a park in Stanley, WI)

Oh! and one more thing,
Congratulations to all the Conservatives
who took back our nation
(and Wisconsin)
on Election Day!!!!!

God Bless the USA!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Summertime 2010

Welcome everyone to my newest blog post!
Here's a set of photos mainly from August 2010.
Enjoy :)

"Stormy Sunset" June 15th
(okay so this one isn't August!!)

"UFO!" Pure Water Days fireworks, August 14th

"Extravaganza!" PWD Fireworks, Aug. 14th.
**This photo was printed on the front page of the Chippewa paper.**

Me with my HUGE muskmelon! (9.25 lb's)
August 19th
(I'm telling the camera person what to do! lol)

Ripening Watermelon!! Aug. 19th

"Twist 'n Shout Hydrangea"
August 21st

Garden phlox preparing to bloom. Aug. 21

"American Honey" inspired photo shoot! :)
August 21

Garden spider wraps up a wayward bumblebee

"American Honey" inspired photo shoot :)
"Wisconsin Honey" anyone??

"Lake Wissota Eventide"
August 21, 2010


Monday, August 9, 2010

**Video from Lady Antebellum show**

Okay, so I promised in my last post that
I would post the video when it was done...
so here it is!
So, if you missed the Lady Antebellum show this past Wednesday, Aug. 4th at Wisconsin Valley Fair in Wausau, WI, you may well have missed your last chance to see them live in concert for only $5! Guess what though? I took a short sound clip of (most of) the song "American Honey", and set it to a slideshow of photos I took of the show! Take a listen and catch a feel for the energy of the crowd of 10,000 people. Perhaps you weren't there, but my camera was lol! Enjoy :)
Click THIS link to see all the photos from the show!


Thursday, August 5, 2010

August 4th - Lady Antebellum LIVE!

Hey y'all!

So, I attended a live concert at the Wisconsin Valley Fair last night featuring my newest favorite Country band Lady Antebellum!! Yeah so it was a 90 mile drive, and I had to sit for 4 hrs before the show, but so what! Just to BE part of a crowd of 10,000 people is amazing, not to mention the energy of the show! I'd really love to run sound on a show this big sometime!!

The crowd, standing after singing the National Anthem, waiting for Lady A

It was the first time I had seen them live, and for a $5 fair admission, I wasn't going to pass up the opportunity. Got some pretty good shots of the show from the bleachers... wished I had a longer lens though! Funny how you don't think about that sort of thing until it causes problems. Oh well, I still got some decent shots... and a sound clip!
(Yes I'll make a video, be patient!!)

Lady Antebellum, live in concert!

Then after the show, I ate a huge sundae and watched the girls (and guys) try to ride the mechanical bull. That was hilarious :)

1 girl riding the bull...

What could be better than one bull-riding girl?
Two of course lol!
By popular demand, 2 girls ride the bull at once!!
Totally hilarious :)

I should have joined in the fun, but had no one with me to watch my camera. I really don't want that stolen... and you can't just automatically trust a couple thousand strangers milling around in the dark!

Yeah it was fun! At least the bleacher chairs were comfortable and it didn't rain... there anyway. It rained less than 10 miles away from the site... yes, I believe God was watching out for us all... I still remember the 2003 concert where we all sat in the rain to hear Don Williams at the Northern Wisconsin State Fair. That was kinda cold and annoying, but 100% worth it!!

I'm still pumped.
Thought I'd share it with y'all... and yes, I'm proud to be a Country Boy; hey, what else could I be?

Til later,

Random bleacher shot, behind me.

Haha okay, I'll post the link to the full album of shots when they are edited up :)


Monday, May 31, 2010

May 31, at Brunet Island, Cornell

Polyphemous Moth, resting

Wings spread out!

In the sun finally!

Chipmunks, mother and baby next to nest hole.

All for now!

~ _=V=_ ~

Friday, May 28, 2010

May 2010

Hello everyone!
It's been a while since I posted,

so here's a couple shots
from the middle of May

Tamarack cones
Morel mushroom !!!
Flowering Hawthorne tree
Baltimore Oriole, Male
Robin nest

Spring is here for but a while,
Then Summer doth appear.
With warm days and sunny skies,
Tell me now, what is there to fear?

> /+^^-=-^^+\ <

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Happy Easter 2010

Happy Easter everyone!

Just wanted to share one of my all-time favorite
hymns here, made all the more vivid,
considering I just finished running the lights for a
"Passion" play this week.

Have you ever REALLY taken the time to think
about what Jesus really went through... for you?
Believe me, if you or I were the only sinner on the
face of the earth, He still would have been willing to
come down to earth, and die on that cross, taking the
penalty for what we deserve.
God loves each one of us SO much!
I've personally found it's really profound
to think about it all that way...

There is a fountain filled with blood
Drawn from Emanuel's veins

And sinners plunged beneath that flood
Lose all their guilty stains.
Lose all their guilty stains,
Lose all their guilty stains.

And sinners plunged beneath that flood

Lose all their guilty stains.

The dying thief rejoiced to see
That fountain in his day
And there may I though vile as he
Wash all my sins away.
Wash all my sins away,
Wash all my sins away
And there may I though vile as he
Wash all my sins away.

Ever since by faith I saw the stream
Thy flowing wounds supply

Redeeming love has been my theme
And shall be til I die.
And shall be til I die,
And shall be til I die.

Redeeming love has been my theme
And shall be til I die.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The First Day of Spring

Well today is the official first day of Spring here in the Northern Hemisphere, regardless of what may be actually happening outside in your neck of the woods!
Here, it is clear and cool with just a light north wind and 42 degrees; I think I am a little spoiled after the week of 65 degrees last week!

Unfortunately, I haven't been taking many pictures lately- no excuse really, but I do nearly everything in spurts, and I just haven't been inspired or in the mood lately!
Here are a few I took a few days ago.

~March 12th, after the week of rain and fog that
melted ALL the 9 inches of snow cover~

~March 18th, Scotch Pine cone~

~March 18th view of the field from the vantage point
ofmy favorite sitting spot!~

(also considering using this photo as new page header)

Thanks for viewing!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Three Wooden Crosses (video)

New video up!!
Three Wooden Crosses #2
(Randy Travis cover)

Thanks for watching!!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

2009 Chippewa Valley Climate Report

Well, I finally got around to sorting through my 2009 temperature and climate records to make my annual climate report. I have to admit that this is the latest I have ever come out with it, but oh well, at least it is still January (as I write this!!!) Enjoy!

* * ** * * ** * * * ** * * ** * *

2009 started out cold. In fact, to call it cold would probably be a major understatement! As the arctic air settled in and the winds blew, the mercury effortlessly plummeted in January of 2009. The climax of the cold spell occurred on January 14th and 15th with lows that smashed all my records. Personally, on the morning of January 16th, I recorded a low of -25.8, but nearby EauClaire recorded -26 with a windchill of -32. Just a bit north, in Rice Lake, the mercury fell even farther to -29 with a windchill of -35. On the previous morning, winchills had dropped to -56 in western Minnesota with -40 to -45 windchills at the Twin Cities. Locally, the air temperature that morning had been -23.6. With 17 subzero lows. January 2009 accepted the prestigious prize for the coldest month ever on my records, and the only month with a subzero average low! (-1.3) The coldest high of the year also occurred on January 15th with a temperature of -3.5.

February roared in with a little more class. A definite improvement over January, February set its sights on the elimination of all the snow. With 45 degrees, a light rain, and a 52 mph wind, in 2 days, the snow was mostly gone, and HUGE lakes of water remained where it had been. That was only a teaser of spring however, as more snow and subzero lows rolled in a week later.

March, although still a little cool, was fairly normal with temperatures for the month ranging from a minus 7 degree low on March 1st, to a 65 degree high on March 16th. Precipitation was minimal with only about an inch and a half of rain throughout the month. In North Dakota however, heavy rains and melting snow caused the notorius Red River to back up and flood to record heights. On March 28th at Fargo, the river crested some 22 feet above flood stage for a new record height of 40.8 feet!

April in the Chippewa Valley was not very impressive. Except for a 4 inch slushy snow during the first week, most of the precipitation was rain and all of it fell on the weekends, which helped some! There was one impressive record-breaking spike to 88 degrees on April 24th, but the average high for the month was only 59. The average low of 35 for the month was also the third coldest on my records for Aprils past.

May was fairly normal temperature-wise, but once again fell a little short on the precipitation end. The big spike for May came on the 20th of the month with 90 degrees and a 45 mph gale that blew dust and sand for miles across most of Wisconsin and Minnesota. The last spring frost for 2009 ocurred on May 16th and was a little late by my records.

For 2009, June was the most consistently warm month of the entire year. On my records, summer 2009 lasted from June 12th through June 27th, including the warmest spike of the entire year, 98.8 on June 23rd. By the 30th of the month however, the high was back down to 60. It may have been a warm month for the likes of 2009, but overall the lows were cold, second only to 2004 for the coldest June lows, though they managed to hold over 45 after June 5th.

Hands down, July 2009 was the coldest July on my records. I only recorded one daytime high over 90 degrees and it was the only July with an average low of less than 60! With monthly averages of 78.7 / 56.6, July 2009 was much more reminiscent of September than July. Also, by the end of July, we had a rainfall deficit for the year of around 8 inches, although with the cool conditions, the drought was less evident than in some years.

August arrived, and everyone hoped that the cold summer pattern would finally break. Unfortunately, the pattern continued and August too was below normal, although a little warmer than July had been. The average high for August was 80.2, and was only the 3rd coldest on my records!! The average low however, at 57.8, was second only to August 2004 for the lack of heat. August was also quite wet, delivering last-minute and much-needed moisture to the parched fields. Nearly 6 inches of rain fell during the course of the month.

Once again, as is often the case with a year that has a cold summer, September was the make-up month. Attempting to appease those who hate cold summers, September delivered a healthy string of warm sunny days which lasted until September 28th! With an average high of 78.4, it was easily the second-warmest September on my records, second once again to 2004. Basically the same temperature as July had been, September's heat helped offset an otherwise cold growing season. Of course all good things eventually must come to an end. Low temperatures rudely crashed down to 32 degrees on September 29th, for an unanticipated but fairly normal first frost date.

October blew into the Chippewa Valley with a cold north wind, immediately shattering all hopes of a prolonged warm spell. With gray skies and rain, it felt more like November than October. Then, on October 12th, 2.5 inches of snow fell blanketing the recently frozen greenery. St. Paul MN received 4.2 inches, the earliest snowfall of greater than 2 inches since 1977! Our own 1938 earliest-significant-snowfall record was smashed on October 23rd with another 2.5 inches. True to the 2009 pattern, and with an average high of only 50.5, October ended as the coldest on my records.

After such a brutal October, everyone expected a fearsome November. Not to be outdone however, 2009 did an about-face and rolled warmer temperatures back into the region. No snow fell at all during November, and the average highs held just over 50 degrees. While 2001 gets to keep the prize for the warmest November, 2009 was definitely first runner-up!!

December rolled into the Chippewa Valley, and in true 2009 fashion, delivered the worst blizzard of the decade to the upper midwest. The final snowfall total on December 9th was measured at 13.1 inches in Eau Claire. Some areas received even more, and I heard an unconfirmed rumor that 15 foot drifts were reported in Des Moines Iowa! (Don't take that as gospel truth, as I never confirmed it) The next major storm for December rolled in on Christmas Eve with an initial 3 inches of snow, then nearly 4 tenths of an inch of rain and freezing rain that lasted through Christmas Day. That was of course followed by another inch and a half of snow, "just to make it more slippery!!" Once again on the cold end of the scale, December finished 3rd on the highs and 4th on the lows with the coldest Decembers on my records.

2009 will definitely be remembered as the year of the cold summer. Overall, the entire year was warmer than 2008, but 2008 had the warmer summer of the two. Officially, despite all its cold records, 2009 finishes only second coldest on my records- to 2008 which remains the coldest year.

*** *** *** *** *** *** ***

So now you ask, what about the new decade? What about 2010? Judging from my records and the past 2 cold years, I believe we are heading into an upswing in the Chippewa Valley in 2010. It won't be as impressive as 2006 perhaps, but I expect an overall recovery of about 3 degrees in 2010. February will be warmer than January. March might muddle around, but April should be warm. The summer should be reasonably normal and July will be hot. Expect a normal decline to Fall. Fall 2010 will be cool, but December should be mild.

2009 Records

Coldest January Highs and Lows

Coldest July Highs and Lows

Coldest October Highs

Fewest Lows Above 50: 113

Tie With 2004 for Fewest Lows Above 70: 2

2 Coldest Temperatures on my records: -23.6, -25.8

******* ******* ******* ******* *******

Overall Record Chart 2009

Warmest High 2006 July 31 +102.7

Coldest High 2007 February 4 -6.2

Warmest Low 1999 July 4 +80

Coldest Low 2009 January 15 -25.8

Warmest Year- Highs 2006

Warmest Year- Lows 1999

Coldest Year- Highs 2008

Coldest Year- Lows 2008

Warmest Overall Year 2006

Coldest Overall Year 2008

2008 Climate Report Available Here

Thanks for reading!!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~